Thursday, May 6, 2010

Isolation for Preparation 2

Deuteronomy tells the story of a God imposed isolation on the people of Israel. His chosen people were sent out into the desert to wander for forty years to learn to truly depend on God.

In Deuteronomy 8:2-3, we read that God purposefully lead his people into the wilderness for the purpose of proving himself to them. God used this place of isolation to develop their confidence in him as their God. They did not labor for their living, they simply believed God and received their living. There was no Wal-Mart in the wilderness, therefore they had to trust God for their food, clothing and care. God proved to them that he was their one and only "true source." They would never have received this revelation, without this time of separation and sanctification with God.

We also read that it is essential that they remember this lesson. When the time of isolation is over and they have the option of choosing many other types of food and living in much more comfortable surroundings, they must never forget that God is the source of what they truly need. This deep knowledge and trust in God is called faith. That is the kind of faith needed in times of difficulty and challenge.

Have you ever experienced a time of imposed isolation? Maybe you've lost a job, had a breakup with someone very dear, lost a loved one, moved to a new location. Maybe it is something wonderful like having children and losing alone time and couple time. That time of isolation might be a time of God preparing and positioning you to discover something about God that he cannot reveal to you while you are surrounded by other things. They might be distracting you from hearing and seeing the things he wants to show you. During this time of isolation, we discover things about ourselves that we otherwise would never have known.

Prayer: Take about three minutes to be quiet and ask yourself if you are experiencing an "imposed isolation." Ask God what you might need to make this a time of preparation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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