Friday, December 18, 2009
Stewardship - Saturday December 18
Stewardship - Friday December 18
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Stewardship - Thursday December 16
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Stewardship - Wednesday December 16
As we think of limitations, think about all of the limitations in your life that you have gotten used to,and take for granted. What could you do if you had longer arms or could remember twice as much? Some animals can fly, see more colors or move so much faster and they are all around us to appreciate and envy. Yet most people don't seriously complain about their lack of abilities outside of standard human capabilities. Why is it that we are generally content with our limitations even though they are relatively great in many regards?
Prayer: Pray that God will give you a view of your limitation and place in light of the power and wonder of all of His creation.
Stewardship - Tuesday December 15
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Stewardship - Monday December 14
Think about your physical limitations. How many places can you be at once? How many quality relationships can you maintain at one time? How much work can you get done in a day? A week? How much can you remember? What are your gifting weaknesses? Teaching, math, organization etc.
It's important to know your limitations so that you can build realistic expectations for yourself. It also helps you to create boundaries when there are so many needs. Knowing your purpose as well as your physical limitations is very important to creating a clear path forward without putting too much on your plate.
Prayer: Pray that God will divinely help you explore physical expectations in a way that you may not have understood before
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Stewarship: Saturday December 12
Think about the people that have helped to define these values in yourself and the effect that had on you and maybe others you know of. Have you or can you be that same sort of influence to someone else?
Are there people in your life now that share these values and maybe a similar purpose? Who could you share these ideas with that could help support you?
Prayer: Pray that God would show you the power of relationships and that He would help you find your place among your peers as a person of influence and a person to be influenced.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Stewardship: Friday December 10
Today, think about obstacles that may stand in your way. Are these obstacles real or perceived? We have talked about receiving permission through God's unique grace for each of us. We have talked about receiving talents and passions from God as He created us for unique purposes. You have written a purpose statement to help you discern your direction. Hold your obstacles up against these truths and see how they measure up.
Prayer: Ask God to put your difficulties in perspective to your calling.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Stewardship: Thursday December 9
Take a look at your natural talents. Basically, what are you good at? What have people admired in you or where do you find you consistently excel in your life? Are there areas where something typically seems so easy to you that you don't understand why others can't "get it"? Are there things that seem mundane and boring to most people that, for you, seem exciting and fascinating?
Think about your passions. What topics or causes do you consistently find that you care deeply about. Are there things that you see on TV or in you neighborhood or church that emotionally effect you in a positive or negative way? Maybe you are moved by seeing someone find healing or learning. Maybe your heart reaches out to those who are sick or you feel called to address crime in your neighborhood.
Often your calling is already clear and so natural to you that it's hard to see it as something important. Things we are the best at are often so easy we don't think they are special, we think anyone can do it. There is usually someone that admires our overlooked talents.
Prayer: Pray that God shows you the uniqueness He created you with.
Stewardship - Wednesday December 9
and Tuesday: Your own Purpose Statement, God's Purpose Statement for you
and His Purpose Statement for the world and church.
Looking at your life in it's present situation, how do you feel you currently line
up with these statements? Do you feel you are well on track? If not do
you think you are very far off?
Prayer: Pray that God will help you assess your current direction.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Stewardship - Tuesday December 8
that God created you and has unique and specific plans for you, what do
you think God's Purpose Statement would be for you? Do you think that
would differ from the Purpose Statement you made for yourself? If so
On a broader level, what do you think God's Purpose Statement might be
for all of humanity at this particular time considering our current
culture and events. What about His purpose for the church in this
Prayer: Pray that God's mind and purpose will be increasingly revealed
in your life.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Stewardship - Monday December 7
In the first service of the month Lisa talked about writing a Purpose Statement when she was in college which helped her focus on a life direction. As a result she mentioned many major accomplishments that have allowed her to create significant change in the world around her.
Today think about a Purpose Statement for yourself. Be BOLD! Consider your passions, reoccuring ideas and brainstorms. Consider your most important values. Give yourself permission to be you! Remember this isn't a Plan, this is a purpose which will help you focus decisions and plans in your future. Don't worry about locking yourself into this for the rest of your life, this can change as your life changes. This is for you alone.
Prayer: Pray that God will help you sort through your deepest values and help you create a guide for your future.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Stewardship - Saturday December 5
As you have pondered deeply the ideas of ownership and offerings of your time, talents, money and efforts, what factors have you found motivate you to offer these things in a joyful way? What factors may give you uneasy feelings about these offerings? Where do you think these ideas come from?
Prayer: Pray that God gives you and honest and real picture of your heart as a steward.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Stewardship - Friday December 4
In church we talked about how God already owns everything so, when we offer of ourselves, we essentially offer back what is already God's.
When you think about offering your life's resources back to God, which are the hardest ones to offer and why? When you think about the things that maybe you should give up to make space for more valuable and healthy things, think deeply about any difficulties you have with allowing yourself to do so.
Prayer: Pray that God will teach you more about the value of your resources as you think about these issues.