Sunday, March 21, 2010

Foundations 11

Are there areas in your life you would like to explore but don't feel you have the ability? Sometimes we have strong feelings about things we feel need to be done, areas where we are especially called. We don't give ourselves permission to move to these places because we don't feel we are able. Maybe an education or lack of credentials make us feel discredited. Maybe, an endeavor seems like it would take way too much practice, or you feel that someone would look down on your failures as an amateur. Often, when we take a deep breath and start to pursue these things, we find that we are very rewarded even in the beginning stages of the process. Yes it might be difficult at times, but if we are truly called to these places we find that we have natural talents and our spirit is truly fulfilled in a new area as our identity is further defined.

Where in your life do you want to move forward but feel you just aren't able or qualified to? Be honest with yourself about how realistic it is. Get rid of all or nothing thinking about realize the value in the small steps.

Prayer: Pray that God would show you your true abilities and help you to develop them.

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